For This Season

For this season. Seeds on the ground. Water from the heaven. Season of growth, keep growing. The contemplation and observation of the growth you do within yourself. That knowledge of perception from the earthy smell after the storm, as soon as it presents a new lesson to learn, is more fertile than all reading and…

For the Pain

Ocean liesSwimming on tearsDon’t resistant, don’t swim upstreamEvery single drop fills up this ocean‘Cause nobody else can’t broke me anymore Don’t save meLet it hurt, let it healletting my painful emotions come and go, allow myself to flow through them Hurting is part of healingThe healing hurts more than the woundBut it’s gonna let me…

Antes de Partir

Eu sinto sua faltaE imagino se você sente o mesmoQuando as lágrimas desejam escorrerFalando o que não conseguimos entender,Tocando o que parecia intocável em nós. Antes de partir,Eu quero que você saibaQue foi o único que chegou mais próximodo que eu mais temia,do que eu mais fugia,do que eu mais escondia. Antes de partir,Eu quero…

Charm of Failure

Passive, afraidI’ve been stucked insideNothing happened, no actionCome on, you haven’t yet triedListen the signs of lifeMaybe you will failBut it will teach you morethan you imagine Uncertainty, run away from itAnd hate you foreverLike a chance you never grabbedCome on, you don’t knowwhat’s coming nextEverything is possibleThat’s how life worksIt’s not what you plannedBut…

Do Seu Olhar

Gosto de te olharDe te sentir através do ventoque toca meu rosto.No cheiro das marés das manhas,No café quente que toca meus lábios. Gosto de como me sintodentro do seu abraço,Do calor do seu peito,De acordar ao seu ladoSem medo da noite escuraQue abre a porta e traz a luaPra intuir nossos instintos selvagens. Sem…


Walking down hill to the cemeteryCarring all my bonesAnd here I am, return to my tomb againI’m dead to the dead. And I’m alive to the alive. I’ve died so many timesThe body is goneNumb on surfaceit’s so untrueI can’t even convince myself‘Cause just diving inside,I find my way to my tombNow I need to learn…


I’m so tiredImagining someone who seems distanceI’m trying to find you, trying to catch youbut you scape and disappearedinto storms without I knowing of it.  It’s like lie to myselfAnd you’re saying that I’m being dramaticBut you seems hotAnd then suddenly coldI need to separate myself,to reconnect,to keep living and keep doing my own thing.Cause…

First Time

Those sweet little glances in mine,and my mind misfiresI can’t think anythingSomething is waking me up inside,When I’m nurturing you,You’re nurturing meWe’re connecting on a higher level When I hold you,you break strings on me.I’ve gone from lost to rooted,A relief, we can sync and restart.You’ve got me flowing,and flowing and flowing.Now our waves are…


Truth. To live your own truth: find death on the by-now silent surrounded by mountains. As extraordinary as their resistance to be real. At the end of that exhausted chase – the illusion of being perfect falls apart when we stop hiding how we’re crushed and wounded in hard times. Indeed, life is constantly show…

The Peaks

The peaks. When they touch the sky, they can feel the warm breath of the sun like a tickle in their rocky pikes. The mist cover and uncover like embracing giant veils, and the snow dust blows in the cold air. I breath, we breath that moment right now. And it’s all we have. I’m…